Healthy teeth for a new taste of life! 

AK-1 active complex
AK-7 active complex
AK-12 active complex
AK-1 active synthesized peptide complex

  • Accelerates wound healing;
  • Stimulates tissue regeneration processes in the area of damage and inflammation;
  • Stimulates the synthesis of tissue-specific proteins, proliferative and metabolic activity of cells;
  • Activates the functions of connective tissue cells, endotheliocytes, macrophages and leukocytes;
  • Has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulating and anti-stress effects.
AK-7 active synthesized peptide complex

  • Regulates metabolism and enhances protein synthesis in the cells of the oral mucosa and paradontium;
  • Has a high antioxidant activity;
  • Normalizes the processes of lipid peroxidation in cells of various tissues, including paradontium;
  • Reduces destructive changes in degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory processes in paradontium and cartilaginous tissues of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Stimulates the regeneration of periodontal tissues, accelerating the leveling of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
AK-12 active synthesized peptide complex

  • Regulates metabolism and enhance protein synthesis in the cells of periodontal tissues, cartilage and ligaments;
  • Has a high antioxidant activity;
  • Normalizes the processes of lipid peroxidation in cells of various tissues, including paradontium;
  • Reduces destructive changes in degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory processes in paradontium and cartilaginous tissues of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Stimulates the regeneration of periodontal tissues, accelerating the leveling of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity.


Neovitin bioantioxidant complex
preparation made from the relic ginseng. It has an active antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is able to stimulate the activity of own antioxidant system of the human body.
Aloe Vera Gel
jelly-like substance found in the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant, growing in arid areas of Africa, Asia, North America. Known as a "first aid" plant. Its composition includes saponins, which are glycosides that have cleansing, antiseptic properties. Saponins block the bradykinin hormone, responsible for the development of inflammatory processes. Vitamins B1, B2, niacin, B6 and C, choline, folic acid, E, beta-carotene in the Aloe Vera composition allow to maintain the integrity of the metabolism in paradontium tissues and make them more resistant to stress effects.
birch sugar, a polyhydric alcohol, slows the growth of Streptococcus mutans, which prevents the development of caries.
birch bark extract. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect.
contribute to the removal of plaque and prevent the fixation of microorganisms on the surface of the teeth and the formation of dental plaque, increase the efficiency of cleaning and prevent the development of caries.
natural resin-like product of biological origin. It contains a complex of amino acids, micro-and macronutrients, waxes, resins and other substances. Activates the processes of cellular metabolism, accelerates the healing and regeneration of tissues.
It is found in essential chamomile and lavender oils. It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
six-atom aliphatic alcohol with a sweet taste. It is used as a sweetener and moisturizing component.
Hydrated silicon dioxide
amorphous silicate having a pronounced cleaning effect.
Kelp mineral concentrate
minerals and microelements for tooth remineralization, as well as lipids and protein.